Monday 1 October 2012

The Anderton Lift

 It really is a trip down memory lane! This Morgan is the same year and the same colour as the one we had in the dim and distant past....

C'est vraiment une voyage dans la memoire! Cette Morgan etait le meme annee et le meme couleur que le notre, il y a des annees.....

 But, on we go! To the famous Anderton Lift which takes boats from the safety of the Trent and Mersey Canal and deposits them 17m below onto the River Weaver.

On y va! The Anderton Lift, qui sert comme une ecluse. C'etait construit en 1875 et permit les peniches de quitter le caneau et arrive sur la riviere, 17m au dessous.

Now, listen carefully...

Ecoutez bien!
Into the caisson..
Down we go...

On descend doucement...
And out we go!

Et voila!




  1. happy birthday!!! how old did you say?anyway john looks it you change the colour of the morgen. nitram

  2. you're right, we did! But we always preferred it in its original green...


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