Monday 5 March 2012

On y Va vers Sonning! / Off to Sonning!

Heron at Sonning Lock.
Time to leave Wallingford and cruise down to Sonning, where friends, dinner and theatre await.
Maintenant, il faut quitte Wallingford et faire le trajet a Sonning, ou nos amis,un bon repas et une spectacle nous attendent!
The journey was not without incident as John decided I should start the engine, turn the boat round and moor.
Le voyage n'etait pas sans incident car John as decide que c'etait mon tour de demarrer la peniche, tourner la et amarrer le bateau.
All went surprisingly well...until HE chose the mooring point and we ran aground...I blame the navigator!
Au depart, tous va bien (J'etait etonne quand meme!) mais, LUI a choisi l'endroit pour arreter et la peniche a s'echouer...evidement c'etait la faute du navigator...
"How the Other Half Loves" Theatre at Sonning, great production, great meal, great night!
Spectacle au theatre dans un ancien moulins, superbe!

The old mill wheel.

"..put up at The Bull...a veritable picture of an old country inn with green square courtyard in front..."  (Three Men in a Boat" Jerome K Jerome.)

"...with low, quaint rooms and latticed windows"...

The bridge at Sonning, a "most fairy-like little nook "


  1. Why are you off boat and in a hotel?! This is not what I was led to expect!

    1. We went for a drink! The Mill is a theatre.No nights in a hotel, promise!


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