Thursday 7 June 2012

Banbury et une carte pour Marc!

 This is the canal map we use to track our route.The pink line is where we have been so far, though it must be said we did the bottom bit east to west and back again!

Voici une carte de notre voyage. La ligne rose est tous que nous avons fait depuis notre depart, bien qu'il faut dire nous avons fait la ligne en bas deux fois, aller/ retour ! Londres est situe sur l'est et Bath sur le ouest. A ce moment nous sommes a Banbury.

Moored at Banbury, right in the centre of town. Shopping!!

Amarre a Banbury en centre ville. Bien, shopping!!

" Ride a Cock Horse to Banbury Cross" This beautiful statue by Carl Payne was commissioned in 2003 in celebration of the nursery rhyme.
 Nobody knows who the lady was but one story identifies her as Queen Elizabeth 1. Banbury town is at the top of a hill and a white stallion was on hand to help carriages up the incline. Queen Elizabeth's carriage broke a wheel and she chose to mount the stallion to continue her trip into Banbury. The horse had been decorated with bells and ribbons and so the rhyme was born. Sounds highly suspect to me!!!
"Ride a cock horse to banbury Cross
To see a fine lady upon a white horse.."
Une comptine que tous les enfants connaient bien en angleterre.
Cette statue etait sculpte par Carl Payne en 2003 pour illustre la comptine. " Une belle dame a cheval avec des bagues sur ses doigts et des cloches sur des orteils"
Personne ne connis pas la dame decrit dans la comptine mais c'etait peut-etre la reine Elizabeth 1st. Elle est allee a Banbury pour voir la croix qui etait construit en centre ville. Banbury se trouve a la sommet d'une colline et sa caleche a casser une roue  en essayant de monte la colline. Un cheval blanc, bien decore avec des petis cloches et des rubans etait fourni pour la reine et, voila, elle pourrait continuer.
More food. Banbury cakes. I know they look like squashed Eccles cakes, but don't tell anyone in Banbury! They taste good anyway.

Banbury Cakes. Un petit gateau, specialite de la region.
Ye Olde Reine Deer Inn. Oldest building in banbury dating from 1570.Lots of oak panelling, low beams and interesting nooks and crannies.

Ye Olde Reine Deer Inn. Le plus vieux batiment a Banbury qui date de 1570. Plen d'anciens  poutres et des coins et recoins interessants.

Ironwork and spandrels in Butchers Row depicting all things agricultural.

The Queen's Jubilee everywhere!

Busy boating Banbury.
Market Day.
Jour du Marche
 And friends arrive in Banbury too!!!
Hello to Everil and David and thank you for coming to see us!

Nos amis, Everil et David sont venues a Banbury! Bienvenue et merci pour la visite!!


  1. Had a great day, noticed you mentioned the Reine Deer Inn, fabulous by the way, but not THE RAIN (this drought is such a nuisance for your adventures)

  2. I did hear that the nursery rhyme may have commemorated a 'Lady Fienne' so a Fienne lady? Can't remember where I read that now though........................
    I like her feet but she looks a little sulky.

    1. Yes that's right. There's several theories about who she is, I just picked that one because it's Lizzie 2s Jubilee!I'll send you a close up of her face, I didn't think it looked sulky..


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